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Quick ROI and Long Term Strategies for Digitalization in Distribution

Modern challenges have created new demands for distributors across industries, today’s buyer has higher expectations than ever, and distributors are using digitalization to meet these needs, and see quick returns on investment. 

Want to learn more about how industry-leading distributors are strengthening customer relationships and scaling revenue through digitalization? Download our full white paper here.

Why distributors need digitalization

Technology streamlines processes, cuts down on work time, and allows customers to be served instantly. By meeting customer expectations, distributors who are digitalizing, are seeing more sales in less time, translating into steady growth and quick ROI. 

Without digitalization, distributors risk losing customer information like past orders, addresses, companies, and payment information. They risk miscommunicating and creating errors in orders or frustration on the customer end. They also add to the time it takes to serve a customer. 

Top solutions distributors are using to digitalize their companies and work more efficiently

Industry-leading distributors are turning to renowned tools to strengthen their customer relationships and work even faster than before. With the help of technology, strategies to modernize and optimize workflow include: 

Modernizing Your ERP:

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software - ERPs are software systems that manage and run all internal business processes, including supporting automation, finance, human resources, and supply chain. 

    ERPs are commonly used as they provide a secure space to keep business information but with additional modernization, keeping data consistent across platforms can be difficult. 

Through API technology, distributors can integrate ERPs with other systems, further boosting speed and productivity. By connecting their technology, they cut out manual steps like data re-entry, that would otherwise take time away from important business functions. Rather than manually re-entering data, which is time-consuming and increases the risk of errors, APIs can automatically update both programs with changes. This cuts down work time so team members can direct their attention to where it is really needed. 

Optimizing Service with CRM Data

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) software - CRMs manage and analyze customer interactions and information. They compile data across points of contact like the company website, live chat, marketing materials, or digital communication. A CRM compiles customer information across points of contact, from communication between the customer and the channel. Through this data, the CRM gives customer-facing staff detailed information regarding purchasing history, past conversations,

Incorporating a CRM creates better data management habits, improving transparency and reducing the possibility of costly errors. By effectively storing customer and business data in one easily accessible space, employees are more equipped to attend to customer needs.

Building Stronger Relationships with Customer Experience Software

  • Customer experience software - Customer experience software manages customer relationships and allows your business to provide optimal customer service.  A customer experience software may include channels for streamlining communication, payment options, and a CRM all-in-one platform. 
    Digitalization Whitepaper

    ROI commonly seen by successful distributors using digitalization 

    Through the use of technology, distributors are scaling profits in less time than ever before. According to Forbes, executives say that digitalization improved operational efficiency by 40%, created a faster time to market by 30%, and increased the ability to meet customer expectations by 35%. A survey conducted by the US Chamber of Commerce reported that 94% of business owners found that technology helps them run their businesses more efficiently and 84% of these leaders saw an increase in profits. 

    With the expansion of business and the success of new strategies, many distributors are implementing Prokeep, distribution’s leading customer experience software, to set long-term strategies and continue to see growth for their business. 

    Setting long-term strategies for growth with Prokeep’s Customer Experience Software

    Prokeep is distribution’s leading customer experience software tailored to provide digital solutions to distributor needs. Prokeep text enables a business phone line while offering email, fax, web chat, and internal messaging, all accessed from one centralized workspace.

    By implementing Prokeep, distributors can answer every customer's need quickly and efficiently. In addition, Prokeep's digital solutions are tailored to the current buyer trends, allowing for better long-term planning. 

    The modern buyer has higher expectations than ever, requiring fully developed e-commerce spaces, multiple channels of communication, and instant service. Through Prokeep’s multichannel platform, distributors are able to meet current customer expectations and offer them the choice of how they’d like to do business.

Prokeep’s digital solutions to build ROI and better serve modern buyers 

By implementing Prokeep, distributors are able to provide long-term, optimal service, strengthening customer relationships. Prokeep's digital solutions are tailored to the current buyer trends, empowering business owners to meet constantly evolving customer needs and build ROI. 

Centralized channels of communication

Prokeep provides a digital workspace for communication, connecting fax, email, and text messages all within one centralized business account, accessible from the counter computer. These solutions include:

  • Business texting - Prokeep lets contractors send pictures and orders via text to the same number they’ve been calling for years. Customer text messages sent to the business appear in a shared workspace accessible from any computer or mobile app.
  • Shared email and Fax - Through Prokeep, teams can access a shared email and fax line that streamlines email, fax, and texts into one easy-to-use workspace accessible from anywhere.
  • Internal messaging - Team members can easily message one another through Prokeep, allowing for optimal team collaboration and the breaking down of silos. 

Driving business growth

Prokeep boosts productivity, strengthens customer relationships, and drives business growth. With multiple channels of communication, Prokeep drives growth by:

  • Streamlining communication - through digital means of communication, Prokeep cuts down the time it takes to serve customers, empowering employees to reach customers faster. 
  • Breaking down silos - allowing access and visibility into every conversation, Prokeep better connects teams and strengthens collaboration. 
  • Centralizing communication - all communication streams are accessed from any counter computer or mobile device. With a singular place to engage customers, teams can deliver consistent response times and close deals faster. 

Improving customer experience 

With Prokeep, business owners can quickly engage with customers regardless of their preferred communication channel, offer instant service through automated order updates, and safely store and manage customer data. Prokeep improves the customer experience by: 

  • Improving response time and moving inventory faster - Prokeep centralizes communications into one shared, easy-to-use workspace with multiple channels so your team can service customers promptly and consistently. 
  • Keeping customers informed - distributors can instantly deliver automated order status updates, delivery confirmations, promotions, and more to keep customers engaged and informed. 
  • Speeding up the ordering process - through text-to-pay, Prokeep makes orders easier for customers, who today are already used to paying digitally with the press of a button. 

Long-term strategies for customer engagement

As the world continues to grow and evolve, the distribution landscape follows, creating new expectations for business owners. With Prokeep, a customer experience software, distributors are able to meet consistently changing expectations by providing multiple ways to serve buyers. 

By using Prokeep, distributors strengthen relationships and continue to provide industry-leading service. Are you looking to get the most out of your communication with contractors? Book a demo today!

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