Save Time With the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Sync integration featured image

Save Time With the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Sync integration

Announcing Prokeep’s latest partner integration — Prokeep | Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Sync integration. When distributors connect Prokeep to their Dynamics 365 system, they’ll start saving countless hours on manual data entry by keeping their messaging contacts and ERP data synced and up to date at all times. 

Data automation is revolutionizing business, allowing business owners to dedicate their time to the things that really matter — instead of tedious tasks that could be easily automated. 73% of IT Industry leaders attribute up to 50% of their time savings to automation.

Seamlessly updating your contacts will eliminate the extra step of having to manually make changes in both Prokeep and Dynamics 365, saving you time and energy that is better spent building your business. 

About Microsoft Dynamics 365 

Dynamics 365 is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that connects data processes, and teams with the right information needed to complete business functions. With an ERP like Dynamics 365 you can safely store all your customer information and retrieve it as necessary, with ease. 

For Dynamics users who also use Prokeep, integrating these systems centralizes all of your data and makes it easier to connect with customers. 

How the integration works

Microsoft Dynamics 365 stores all your business and customer information, when integrated with Prokeep, any changes made to contacts will automatically occur in both platforms. The integration will continuously scan for updates so that when a new contact is created or modified in either system, the other will automatically receive and implement this change.  

Eliminating extra work & saving time

Without a contact sync, when a new account is created you would need to manually enter all of the customer’s information in both systems. This not only creates more work for you, taking up more time but also increases the risk of human error in your customer database. 

Any manual entry of data poses a risk to your business, because of inevitable human error. According to Ocrulus, data entry has an error rate as high as 4%, meaning that for every 100 customers in your contact list, 4 have incorrectly entered details. This can be costly to organizations of all scales. Automatically adjusting contacts through our contact sync integration will mitigate this risk in addition to saving you time.

Connect your systems 

Up to 85% of business owners agree that automation of business functions will enable them and their teams to dedicate more time to reaching their goals. For business owners who are texting their customers to streamline their workflows, the Dynamic 365 integration will further enhance efficiency. 

Looking to start your integration? Click below to get started!

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